How much do you enjoy living in our community? What could be done to make Old Town a better place to live? Are you satisfied with the services offered or is there room for improvement?
At Swindon Evangelical Church, we are undertaking a community survey to find out how satisfied local residents are with the provision of services in Old Town and what is lacking. We are gathering information from community leaders, church members and community organisations to gain a broad understanding of the current needs and opportunities in Old Town and the surrounding area.
Please take 5 minutes to have your say and help us to gain a better understanding of our local community.
This questionnaire is your chance to speak out about what there is to celebrate about life here in Old Town and what areas need improving.
The data collected from these surveys may inform the church’s decision making in how best to use its own resources to help make our community a better place to live and it is likely that the survey will also attract interest from community leaders, decision makers and grant funding organisations to help invest in this area.
The questionnaire is anonymous and takes just a few minutes to complete. It covers 17 categories ranging from provision for families, youth and the elderly through to addiction, crime and the availability of important services with tick-box answers.
We hope you will be willing to play your part by telling us about the good and the bad of living in our community. Thank you very much for taking the time to read this and to fill in the questionnaire.