Sermons from October 2013
7 Items
Psalm 32 A call to confession
1 Peter 1 v 13-21 The Missional Church our manner of life
2 Cor 12 v 1-10 & 13 v 1-6 Strength in Weakness
Phil 2 v 5-11 So what is a real Christian
Isaiah 40 12-31 Behold your God
1) Behold the Wisdom of God 2) Behold the Immensity of God 3) Behold the Supremacy of God 4) Behold the Detailed Intimacy of God
1 Peter 1 1-12 The Missional Church our motivation
What reason do we have for being a Missional Church 1) Loved by the Trinity (1-2) 2) Saved for eternity (3-5) 3)Kept through adversity (6-9) 4) Understand the mystery (10-12)