Sermons by Grev Parmenter
24 Items
Matt 24 v 36-51 Are you ready?
Micah 5 Seeing some of the details.
Matt 13 v 44-58 Kingdom Treasurers.
Mark 4 v 30-41 Who is He?
Gen 35 God does not give up on His people.
Gen 29 v 1-30 Providence and pay back.
Gen 26 Blessings despite opposition.
Genesis 17 God speaks.
John 4 v 43-54 Taking Jesus at His word.
1 Cor 3 v 5-9 The harvest crew.
2 Cor 8 v 1-15 Excelling in giving.
John 5 v 1-18 Help for the hopeless and hope for the helpless.
Matt 27 v 32-56 My God why have you forsaken me?
Col 2 v 6-7 Continue to live.
Col 2 v 6-7 Continue to live