Sermons from 2014
1 – 50 of 100 items
Philippians 3v10-12 Still Seeking Jesus When Christmas Is Over
Matthew 2v1-12 Christmas In Three Words – Celebration
Luke 2 v 1-20 Christmas In Three Words – Adoration
Matt 2 v 1-16 Two Kings head to head
Nehemiah 3 v 1-32 Nehemiah Building
John 1v1-14 Christmas In Three Words – Incarnation
Exodus 12 Finding Christ in the Passover Meal
by David Zadok
Ezekiel 37 The grace of God in the valley of dry bones
by David Zadok
Nehemiah c 2 v 9-20 Nehemiah preparing
Matt 11 v 20-30 Come to Jesus and Rest
Nehemiah c 2 v 1-10 Nehemiah believing
John c 8 v 1-20 Come to Jesus and see.
Song of Solomon c 8 v 5 Resting on Christ
John c 5 v 16-29 Eternal Life
Nehemiah 1 Nehemiah praying
John 11 v 1-27 Come to Jesus and live
John 19 v 18 They crucified Him
Colossians 2 Spiritual Growth
Jude 24-25 Arriving perfect in Heaven
Ephesians 1 & 2 God’s Wonderful Grace
by Peter Cooke
Nehemiah 1 v 1-4 Nehemiah weeping
John 6 v 22-40 Come to Jesus and eat
Leviticus 16 The Day of Atonement
John 7 v 37-52 Come to Jesus and drink
Psalm 105 Praise God from whom all blessings flow
Matthew 20 v 1-16 O how the Grace of God amazes me
Jude: Called, Loved and Kept
Genesis 11 v 27 – 12 v 9 The call of Abraham
Mark 15 v 42- 16 v 8 Because He lives
Hebrews 1 The Supremacy of Jesus
by Lyndon Day